What I Do

Front End Development

Using HTML/CSS skillset for presentation and Bootstrap framework for responsive design. Adding functionality to presentation layer with JavaScript and jQuery library.

Back End Development

PHP logic construction. Applying MVC structure via CodeIgniter framework. Relational database design/development upon Microsoft SQL, & MySQL

Full Stack Development

Implementing Git version control system and UML data modeling and conceptualization. Using Composer package manager for PHP libraries. Actively contributing to GitHub and Packagist community.


Earned Diploma III degree in Informatics Engineering at Indonesian Post Polytechnic, Graduated since october 2017.

Great analysis and multitasking skills. Constantly interested in problem solving, reviewing colleagues code and refactoring and optimising existing code. Always ready to learn new technology, update existing knowledge or work harder. Proud member of open-source community.



Arie Dalimunthe


Padangsidimpuan - Indonesia